Item Description
fiogf49gjkf0d Description:
Sitting Stars complement Facing Stars, in that they govern people and relationship matters. By relationship and people luck, we are referring to the aspects of health, descendent luck (i.e. having good offspring), authority, respect and generally, a person’s overall sense of well-being. Hence, good Sitting Stars bring about good people, health and relationship luck, and are activated or enhanced by the presence of good Mountains within the vicinity.
In this Lesson, Joey will be sharing with you how good Sitting Stars can be activated, stimulated or enhanced within a bedroom, using a house’s Natal Chart. He shall also be discussing the role played by Mountains and even Water in influencing the Qi strength represented by Sitting Stars.
Each narrative and explanation is followed by an example, before Joey winds-up Lesson FSP1410 by combining the application of Sitting Stars (for bedrooms) and Facing Stars (using the `Opening the Prosperous Door’ method learnt in Lesson FSP1409). Once students are able to actually see how these 2 disparate methods complement and enhance each other, their knowledge of Flying Stars would have automatically been elevated to the next level!
At the end of this Lesson, students will be able to:
- Know how Sitting Stars are activated/enhanced/stimulated to make for a conducive bedroom environment, Feng Shui-wise
- See how a house’s Natal Chart is applied vis-à -vis the current Period, to activate the prominent Sitting Stars of the Period
- Better understand the role of Mountains and Water vis-Ã -vis Sitting Stars
- Gain a macro, overall picture of how Bedroom Applications and Door Applications, which are actually flip-sides of the same proverbial coin, complement each other in enhancing a house’s Feng Shui
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