Joey really can explain the principles clearly and everything becomes clear to me after I attended this course. Very informatics and gives me the confidence to try to practice on my own. Wendy Teuhu Siew Looi, Malaysia
You find yourself at the crossroads of a major decision. Maybe you have several options at your disposal, only you don't know which option is best for you.
As humanity advances and progresses, so do the complexity of the dilemmas and challenges we face daily.
Unfortunately, we need answers. We need these answers fast, and we need them in detail. After all, a simple answer is what could well decide the outcome between 'make or break.'
The bottom line is: who do we turn to when we have pressing questions and need answers that don't start with "maybe," and "chances are"?
Change is the only constant; but we need to understand it, not fear it. We can only act accordingly when we understand what's going on.
Yi Jing is about allowing us to get specific answers to specific questions. But before we're able to do that, we need to understand the nature of 'change.'
'Yi' relates to change. Indeed, flux - or continuous change - is the key concept of the Yi Jing. Change is the only constant in life, and there is no exception to this rule. Evolution, transformation, alteration - call it by any other name, its effects are still far-reaching and encompasses every law - natural or manmade - known to our universe.
The Yi Jing Mastery Series comprises Module 1 and Module 2. Module 1 provides an introductory look into the basics and fundamentals of Yi Jing thought and theory. As the Yi Jing functioned as an ancient Chinese oracle thousands of years ago, this Module will explore Yi Jing as a science of divination and probe the ways in which the concept of 'change' plays a big part in Yi Jing.
Module 2 goes a little deeper into the topic of probability as it relates to the Yi Jing, and investigates the Plum Blossom Yi Jing (Mei Hua Yi Shu), which is the Image-Numerology School of Yi Jing. Students are thought the Plum Blossom Essentials and introduced to the Gua Deriving Techniques. Together both modules aim to give casual and serious Yi Jing enthusiasts a serious insight into one of the most important philosophical treatises in ancient Chinese thought.