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Module 4 epilogue by Jayne Goodrick

I had been asked by students to give an assessment of Module 4 and so promised that I would give a low down on it when I came back.
Well, here it is.

Just like China, the whole focus was on landform; without the right landform what do you have?
Again and again everything comes back to our Mastery Academy Module 1 teachings, just in a more sophisticated package.
And if you think that one or two of the formulas in Module 2 (as I did) were just the icing on the cake, you'd be wrong!
This whole metaphysics subject, the nuances, subtleties and intricacies, are so complex and interwoven, it would have the best brains in mensa hard pushed to unravel the systems!

With the right teacher it is all becomes so obvious as to seem too simple! But why not? Why should it have to be complicated?

But your foundations have to be sound; to understand the Mastery Academy Module 4 your Mastery Academy Module 1 has to be/become second nature to you.

Only then do you have the key to the whole matrix!

The difference this time, between China and M4, instead of just seeing and being exposed to the real feng shui, and thinking "This is what I need to find in order to have good feng shui", in module 4 we were also taught the practical applications, what to do in real life present day situations; when the land has already been chosen and the building built; how to get the qi in when the building in question is located well but misses the qi.
Which is a problem I am sure we have all come across many times (more times than meeting the opposite, in my case!).
If the area is not so good, how we can assess what potential it does have to offer, how we can still tap into something from the feng shui.

This is what we were shown.

But without having been to China, to the very roots of this science, I would still be very gui wei, for my bazi students (2-1 for xuan kong students)!

We also saw how an area can be great, but simply placing the door at the wrong place does not allow you to receive the benefits on offer.

Sometimes there were audits which had problems for a building that we simply could not solve: how do you avoid a 20 floor office block that is sending sha directly to your back? We cannot block that so we were shown what we could do, what to concentrate on instead; because we need to give our clients solutions, not simply to say "Move out". The next owner moving in might also want to employ us (hopefully!) and what would we say then?!

These practical audits are what we really need to finish our learning (up to this stage, anyway), to polish them off, if you like, rather like a Swiss finishing school teaches us the finesse, but then it is up to the pupil to go out and put it into practise.

And without practise how can we ever learn?
Learning is one thing. Doing is quite another.

Day 1: Module 4 2004
Day 2: Module 4 2004
Day 3 & 4: Module 4 2004
Day 5: Module 4 2004
Day 6: Module 4 2004
Day 7: Module 4 2004
Graduation night: Module 4 2004
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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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