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I am very proud to have attended your first Xuan Kong M2B. It is high level but most interesting. Thank you for teaching us the source of Feng Shui.

Elisabeth Curiger, Switzerland

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Feng Shui For The Month Of March 2004

March 5 – April 3 2004

    Many thanks for the encouraging emails and feedback you guys send to me for the Monthly Feng Shui updates. Many of you asked what method I use … well to answer that, this is my unique method of Xuan Kong called Life Palace and Shifting Palace method. Its principals are similar to those outlined in the classics however the application methods are new, my personal style. I am pleased that you guys find it helpful. Please keep your feedback coming in:

    This month the central star is the #1 White Star. The effects below will be experienced in varying degrees between March 5 and April 3 for which this information is applicable.

    The negative sectors for the month are South, West, and Southwest. The sectors you may want to tap into include the North, Southeast and East as these have better Qi that is more conducive to various life goals.

    Use the problematic areas less and the beneficial areas more. There is no need to place any objects unless specifically recommended. It would even better if you are mentally prepared for any challenges that may be headed your way and take any necessary precautionary actions.

    Problem Areas:
    The South sector is afflicted with negative energies this month. There is a risk of financial problems and in severe cases; cardiac problems for the occupants. This is more prevalent if you are a Gua 1 or a Gua 9 person.

    Houses with a Southwest door need to be careful of fire hazards. Occupants sleeping in the Southwest should also be careful with their tempers and students in particular need to avoid using the Southwest area of their home for studies.

    This month, the West carries with it the potential for getting robbed. If your office or business has a main door in the West, be careful of fraud. You need to watch out for the possibility of losing money due to your employee fraud or at times a mistake that they may have made.

    Beneficial Areas:
    North is particularly good for those involved in sports and physical activities. Those in the literary field will also find great success in this area. If you have been looking to be recognized for all your hard work and achieve a status, the North is the sector to use.
East is particularly good for those involved in the wood business – furniture, construction, fashion related, Only for this month, you can have water in the East.

    Southeast is the secondary wealth sector for the month, especially for businesses relating to engineering, machinery or jewelry or hardware. But do be careful as there is a chance of hurting your legs; especially those who are Gua 7 or Gua 9.

    Love Matters:
    Where love is concerned, the Southeast sector is particularly good for building long term relationships. As is the North sector for this month of March.

    The Northeast is good for studies and education but students need to avoid sleeping in the Southwest sector as mentioned before.

    Northeast is good for meditation and for cultivation studies, those who are focusing on spiritual pursuits should look at using the Northeast. But this area should be avoided by children under the age of 12, moreso little girls.

    The Northwest is good for religious pursuits and gaining spiritual knowledge. But should your house have fierce or sharp structures outside this area, this month, you may see apparitions.

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Day 1: Module 4 2004
Day 2: Module 4 2004
Day 3 & 4: Module 4 2004
Day 6: Module 4 2004
Day 7: Module 4 2004
Graduation night: Module 4 2004
Module 4 Epilogue by Jayne Goodrick
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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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