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Feng Shui For The Month Of January 2004

January 7 2003 – Feb 3 2004

    This month is also known as the month of the Wood Ox (Yi Choui) - the Central star for this month, is the #3 Green Star. You can expect to experience the effects below in varying degrees between January 7 – February 4 2003 for which this information is applicable.

    This month is relatively good with the only problem sector to watch out for relegated to the Southeast sectors of your home or office. You may be worrying about the 5 Yellow in the West but its effects are bearable.

    Consider tapping into the Southwest and the North sectors within your property to maximize the positive potentials present in these areas.

  • A simple approach is to tap into the positive Qi and avoid the sectors where negative energy is present. There is no need to place any objects unless specifically recommended. It would even better if you are mentally prepared for any challenges that may be headed your way and take any necessary precautionary actions.

    Problem Areas:
    Should your house have a main door in the Southeast sector, practice extra caution. Mishaps, accidents, possible illnesses and unforeseen problems may make an uninvited visit. If there are earthworks or renovations going on in the Southeast, residents may even have to be hospitalized.
Offices and businesses with primary rooms in the Southeast need to avoid making hasty, unplanned decisions. They could lead to issues in future that may result in unnecessary headaches. You may have to try extra hard to collect any monies owed to you as well.

    Industries relating to fashion, design and plantation may not fare as well this month. Expect setbacks and disagreements to be a stumbling block to moving ahead. However, good news for businesses dealing with chemicals and machinery as better times are expected in January.

    Use ‘metal’ cures such as metal windchimes or a large metal bowl made of bronze, brass or copper. Do keep in mind that you do not drill or knock the walls when installing your metal cure as it will only further aggravate the negative Qi.

    Minor setbacks can be expected for houses with a West main door or offices with management rooms in the West. Organisations may face additional competition and stress; possibly at times from internal conflict.

    Enterprises dealing in shipping, tourism and courier related industries will see a drop in business. However, fashion houses and businesses dealing with the arts will prosper with a door in the West as will Gua 3 people.

   Beneficial Areas:
    Should you have a bedroom or main door in the North or Southwest, opportunities will present themselves to you. Although these two areas are regarded as being somewhat less than beneficial in 2003, there is a turn of fortune this month but only where finances are concerned.

    Couples expecting a child and sleeping in a Southwest bedroom will enjoy the birth of an intelligent child as a result of the #3-#9 combination – according to the classics.

   Love Matters:
    Should you be looking for a short-live, passionate love affair, the South sector is just the thing for you. However, couples in long term relationships may want to focus on the East sector instead. Those whose Gua is #8 may find their relationships strained.

    Both the East and the Southwest are good for those undertaking examinations. But do avoid studying in the Southeast or West sectors of your home as the Qi is not conducive for academic pursuits.

    A particularly unique situation to look out for; offices with doors in the Northeast may find political problems – internal or external – causing them a problem. Upon further investigation, you may find that those who are Gua #4, #9 or #6 are the main parties behind the whole debacle.

Day 1: Module 4 2004
Day 2: Module 4 2004
Day 3 & 4: Module 4 2004
Day 5: Module 4 2004
Day 6: Module 4 2004
Day 7: Module 4 2004
Module 4 Epilogue by Jayne Goodrick
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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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