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It was very interesting, I would participate again. I am also waiting for the German translation of the Coaching.

Evelyn Schlegel, Switzerland
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How to Motivate an Easy-Going Child

How to Motivate an Easy-Going Child
Showing Support to the Supporter Child

"You truly believe your teenage child is intelligent, not slow. If only he'd show interest with things in life, some glimmer of motivation towards something - anything! - would be good. Instead, he seems so relaxed over everything.

You told him to clean his room. He said OK. Three weeks later, he reluctantly does so just to stop you from nagging. You encouraged him to take up music so he has something constructive to do in the weekends, but he'd rather stick to his usual cartoons-and-nap routine instead. You asked him what he wants to eat for his birthday dinner. "Anything is fine with me."

As a parent, do you feel exasperated trying to stir interests in your child? Does your child seem to cruise by school or life in general? You know your child has capabilities, talents. He's aware of it, alright. But he chose not to act upon it. This concerns you because you worry he's going to go through life on cruise control.

So what can you do? There's a solution to help you on this situation. First, print your child's BaZi chart and identify his Structure at BaZi Profiling. There's a possibility he's an Influence Structure or Supporter in BaZi, a form of Personality Analysis under Chinese Astrology.

A BaZi Structure is the key to understand a person's behavior and attitude, his or her modus operandi, towards the people and events in their world. A person's strengths and weaknesses on how he or she relates to people and events in terms of work, family and friendship are revealed here. There are five unique Structures in BaZi, namely Managers (Wealth), Creators (Output), Supporters (Influence), Connectors (Companion) and Thinkers (Resource).

Supporters relates to a personality with nobility, authority and charisma. They are usually very amiable and eager to please, and thrive in situations that are calm, stable and not riddled with much excitement or risks.

Supporters are easy-going, calm, tolerant and is always considerate of other people's feelings. They are rarely found trying to get attention. However, on the negative side, their non-competitiveness and indecisiveness may turn them into pushovers by others. They also have the tendency to procrastinate much. On the extreme end, they can be rebellious, radical and restless with the inability to take advice or orders from others.

If this describes your child, knowing the bright and dark sides of their characteristics through BaZi can help you to motivate them the right way.

When the Child is a Supporter Structure, he or she:
The Bright Side
The Dark Side
  • Is laidback and always takes things easy.
  • Gets along with everyone and usually play the listener to his or her friends' problems.
  • Is quietly witty and has the ability to laugh at everything.
  • Is sincere, kind and able to empathize with others
  • Is resistant to change and prefers a routine.
  • Lacks excitement, indifferent and tends to be a party-pooper.
  • Has a sharp tongue, and is cynical.
  • Can be critical and expects others to follow his or her rules.

But if the above sounds more like you than your child, double check the list below if it confirms you as a Supporter parent.

When the Parent is a Supporter Structure, he or she:
The Good
The Bad
  • Is a very committed and concerned parent.
  • Tends to be accommodating to the child's needs without rushing them through life.
  • Is always fair and impartial, and respects his or her own children.
  • Doesn't let emotions influence his or her parenting.
  • Can be overly laidback and doesn't take proactive measures to solve problems.
  • Has no sense of organization or structure.
  • Gives in to kids too easily and tends to spoil them.
  • May overlook serious problems.

To pick up tips on motivating your Supporter child or how to be a better Supporter parent, be a part of the Empowering Your Child's Future seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this June. Don't miss this opportunity! Call to book your seats now at +603 2284 8080.

Stay tuned to next week to learn about the Connector child and parent.

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