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This is truly a breakthrough for me in the study of Chinese Metaphysics. Coupled with your usual dynamic dissemination of information, I have learnt to see Feng Shui in a very different perspective. This is the real dynamic of Luan Tou Feng Shui. I highly recommend this practical “walking the Dragon” course to all serious practitioners.

Vin Leo, Australia

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Master Your Destiny with BaZi

Master Your Destiny with BaZi

"We were meant to be masters of destiny, not victims of fate."

Those were the words of the late Ronald Reagan, former US president.

Master destiny? Is it possible?

And what's the difference between "Fate" and "Destiny"?

The words "Fate" and "Destiny" are often used interchangeably in the modern context - hence the confusion to many. In actual fact, there is a difference. "Fate" is termed as a preordained course of one's life that will occur beyond our control. "Destiny", on the other hand, is a set of predetermined events within one's life that one can take control in shaping it.

In the study of Chinese Metaphysics, the ancient sages believed that the universe is made up of a triumvirate of Heaven, Earth and Man, which they called the Cosmic Trinity. Each element of the Cosmic Trinity controls or exerts an influence equivalent to 33%. Our life path and a certain degree of our fortunes are set out by Heaven, the environment (Earth) of Feng Shui magnifies our fortunes or luck, but Man's own action or inaction is what makes an outcome swing either way.

Therefore, a person with limited capacity will achieve much success if he puts in the hard work and have a positive attitude. But the individual with the capacity to do great things may squander his or her potential if no action was taken.

So, how can you find out about your capacity, your limitations and potential? The simplest - and fastest - way: BaZi, which is Destiny and Personality Analysis under Chinese Astrology. The good news is you can easily master BaZi to help bring awareness to yourself and use that information to propel you towards a path of least resistance to your success and happiness.

BaZi Mastery™ offers an extensive syllabus on BaZi from the beginner's level to the ultimate advanced practice. Modules 1 and 2 get you started with the fundamentals and basic applications. Modules 3 and 4 advance you towards deeper understanding and practice. Then, refine your knowledge and techniques with Module 5, the ultimate BaZi program, where it takes you beyond Personality Profiling analysis and Destiny analysis.

BaZi can do more than just provide analyses for an individual. It can also provide a BaZi reading for world events and even countries. Imagine the possibilities of learning so much more in Module 5 (and better yet, study it in Bali)!

Give yourself an edge to master your Destiny by mastering BaZi.

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