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The excursion to Imperial China exceeded my expectations. After this trip, I look at Feng Shui with a different perspective. I recommend this course strongly to anybody who wants to master Feng Shui.

Alexander Ho, U.S.A.

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The Right Fit for Every Person

Getting to Know the Stars in Flying Stars Feng Shui

Stars Are Blind

With the current increased awareness of the awesome power of Feng Shui in aiding our lives, the knowledge of Feng Shui (and other Chinese Metaphysical sciences) being studied and exposed is reaching greater depths than ever before. Many people are now aware that Feng Shui is an extremely useful tool that works in aiding us towards our goals and objectives although it is certainly not some mumbo-jumbo ‘magic’ prescription (via object placement, the wearing of amulets, etc.) that will flip our luck overnight!

One of the most widespread body of knowledge that has come out of this ‘Feng Shui Renaissance’ is Flying Stars Feng Shui, a subset of Xuan Kong Feng Shui, which is itself a subset of the San Yuan system. Like most of the Stars referred to in Feng Shui studies, the Flying Stars of course refer to bodies of Qi (energy) that have their own unique qualities. These bodies of Qi affect the well-being and functioning of dwellers of a particular community, house, room or even specific area within a room!

Most practitioners are now familiar with basic Flying Stars applications involving the activation of the current (or future) prosperous stars such as Stars 8 and 9. Most are knowledgeable of the basic qualities of the other Stars. For example, Star 1 can be regarded as a generally benevolent star regardless of period - bringing honour, good name and even noblemen luck. Star 4, while considered “untimely” by some practitioners in this Period 8, can often make someone more attractive. This can help an entertainer exude more ‘Peach Blossom’ qualities that can propel him or her towards widespread fame or aid a salesperson toward that coveted ‘Top Sales’ award!

Similar, several Stars are often relegated as “bad” stars, especially when Flying Stars knowledge is over-simplified in an effort to make such knowledge more palatable. Star 3 is often called the ‘Argument Star’ which should be avoided at all costs (read: “killed off” via some fancy designer cure) - lest it wrecks havoc with our interpersonal, spousal or other relationships. And let’s not forget poor Star 2, typically (and unjustly) labelled as the ‘Sickness Star.’ Star 7, on the other hand, is usually linked to robbery and cheating! Of course, the granddaddy of the “bad” stars must be the much-feared 5-Yellow Star.

Truth be told, all the Flying Stars have their uses. In totality, they each have a crucial role to play. Each Star has its role and function akin to each and every part of the human body. Imagine labelling some part of the body (eg. the intestines) as “bad” or “evil” - which doesn’t make sense at all! All Stars have specific qualities that serve their particular purpose. Star 3, while causing one to be highly-strung, is useful in stimulating change and rapid growth. Star 2, being one of the Earth Stars, brings entrepreneurial wealth (Yin Earth is the “source of 10, 000 things”) - even though one might suffer health inconveniences such as coughs and cold under its influence. The Qi of Star 7 can be tapped if one desires a “sweeter mouth,” to improve one’s gift-of-the-gab and competitive spirit. At a more in-depth level of Xuan Kong, we can tap into the positive effects of every Star (yes, even the 5-Yellow - although only by the very experienced practitioner) and at the same time understand and carefully manage their negative effects. There are no entirely good or bad Stars per se.

So, the good news is that we can use ALL the Flying Stars. What’s more important is to know EXACTLY what sort of Qi would help us. We can then choose, ala carte style, WHICH Stars to use in helping us achieve the outcome that we want (keeping in mind that the practicality of using the actual Star(s) is of course another story).

Let’s take an example of a young entrepreneur who wants a make a strong impact in the fitness industry by developing and licensing a new fitness system. The ideal Star to tap would be Star 3, which can bring aggressive growth and rapid changes. A good Feng Shui action to take would be to tap the annual 3 Star by configuring his home or office accordingly.

In addition, we can also personalise the application of Flying Stars to each individual. Even the same Star will bring different benefits and exert varying levels of effects. The concepts of Xuan Kong Feng Shui, just like all other Chinese Metaphysics subjects, are multi-layered and built upon one another. With each layer that we understand and grasp, our application becomes more complete, concise and potent!

MA Cosultant

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