Master TK Lee traveled to Singapore from 17th to 19th June 2006 to conduct the BaZi Module 2 course. This class was held at the Carlton hotel.
It was a conducive class and many students already knew each other, having met at the BaZi Module 1 class. They worked together by exchanging notes and sharing their personal BaZi experience.
Before embarking on the journey of BaZi Module 2, Mr. TK Lee did a recap on the salient points of BaZi Module 1. Over the course of the three days, students were taught advanced applications of BaZi and how they can interpret a person’s BaZi chart more accurately.
The class was an intensive learning process to ensure that all students would derive the full benefit that will enable them to apply their BaZi knowledge effectively.
BaZi Module 2 is intended to take the students’ understanding and knowledge to a professional level. It offered insights into the applications of the 10 Gods and the analysis of BaZi charts using the 10 Gods.
The students were also shown how to improve their understanding of the Five Elements. This enabled the students to learn specific techniques and methods for analyzing career luck, relationship luck and health.
Reported by Dafizeck