DAY 5: Matching the External to the Internal |
Since residences are commonly evaluated by Feng
Shui practitioners, Joey had planned for students
to visit the home of Mastery Academy student Leonard
Tham, who graciously volunteered his home for a site
inspection and audit.
Located in Ampang, in the heart of Kuala Lumpur ,
Leonard, who was also attending Module 4, generously
threw open the doors of his abode to his 40 odd course-mates
and prepared himself for 40 evaluations of his residential
Feng Shui from his esteemed fellow students!
Read what some of the students have to say about the course:
"Exactly the way a mastery course in Feng Shui should
be. Concise and top level information, introduced directly."
- Irene Loukou
"Great work! The presentation of the material, simply
noble and elegant! Congratulations and may there be more success
in the future." -Ricardo Pascual
"Dear Joey,
This is the jewel in the crown. All our years of learning
have now completely clicked into place. Everything makes sense,
all of a sudden.
Why am I not surprised? I am proud to be a part of this amazing
set up. May god bless you and reward your integrity and earnestness.
You teach what you truly believe, and that is very good Karma.
Best of luck. I am honoured to do this. One day I will say
I was there at Mastery Academy's first Module 4."
- Sherry Merchant
"This course is enlightening! It gives a more complete
picture to audit the property properly and professionally.
Thank you for sharing the knowledge." -Ung Lay Gaik
"You made easy the understanding of 24 heavenly
stars and 28 constellations. Amazing condensation of the classic
into simple understandable forms truly reflect your natural
affinity with the art of Chinese Metaphysics. I have truly
benefited from your generosity in sharing.
I thank you for all your handwork and perseverance in making
the course a great success." - Kelsanta Leo