Item Description
Journey through the comprehensive view of the Four Pillars of Destiny analysis encompassing the 10 Gods in virtue of Persons, Places and Matters with this fourth instalment of the Destiny Code series.
Discover the principles of Favourable and Unfavourable Elements on your way to achieving a more thorough BaZi analysis as you learn to incorporate these Elements with the 10 Gods.
Be empowered by your expanded knowledge and techniques of BaZi as you enhance your insights into new branches of BaZi thoughts, such as the problem-solving and solution-development aspects.
Analysing the 10 Gods helps you evaluate personality, thinking style, approach, strengths and even weakness with more precision and definitude. See how these very individual and personal differences pave way for you in creating your own Destiny, regardless of what challenges come your way.
This book will take you traversing through the tremendous breadth and depth of the crucial 10 Gods. Progressively, you will learn the methods to analyse and understand the 10 Gods within the context of Persons, Places and Matters. The advanced methods for analysing the Favourable and Unfavourable Elements of the BaZi Chart are also revealed, including the techniques and analysis methods depicting the Multi-Star approach.
Highlights of this book include:
- How the 10 Gods interface with Persons, Places and Matters
- The principles of Favourable and Unfavourable Elements, and how to administer them with a pragmatic, action-driven manner.
- Progressive methods for your own BaZi Chart analysis affixing the Favourable and Unfavourable Elements and the 10 Gods
- Analysing and decoding a BaZi Chart using the Multi-Star approach
- Developing action points relating to details off a Chart analysis
- Analysing Wealth, Career and Relationship matters mediated by the Favourable and Unfavourable Elements and the 10 Gods
- Developing BaZi-driven actions towards success and happiness in your personal endeavours and life in general
Written for both the novice and BaZi enthusiasts alike, this book is the perfect calling for those who may not necessarily have the time or immediate inclination to attend professional BaZi classes with a trainer.
Click here to read Joey Yap's Preface to The Power of X: Analysing the 10 Gods.
Table of Contents |
Chapter One: Are We There Yet? The Inception to BaZi and the 10 Gods |
1 |
Chapter Two: The 10 Gods - Persons and Places
The Framework of Persons and Places, and how their Relevance correlates to the 10 Gods |
11 |
Chapter Three: Matters and the 10 Gods
Understanding how occurrences and circumstances are associated with the 10 Gods, and building the fundamental qualities of the 10 Gods and strong analytical skills in order to define the very essence. |
53 |
Chapter Four: Favourable and Unfavourable Elements Revisited
A refreshing take to determining the Favourable and Unfavourable Elements and how they contribute to the Output, Wealth, Influence, Resource and Companion Elements. |
75 |
Chapter Five: Applying Favourable and Unfavourable Elements and the 10 Gods - Walk Through
A step-by-step approach to applying the principles of Favourable and Unfavourable Elements with the added dimension of the 10 Gods. |
165 |
Put the layers of accuracy, insight and knowledge about the 10 Gods through reinforcements of actions and executions. |
245 |
Chapter Seven: Using the 10 Gods & the Principles of Favourable and Unfavourable Elements for Relationship, Wealth and Career Matters
Expand your BaZi analysis skills and gain pervasive perspectives of your Wealth, Career and Relationship prospects, issues and challenges. |
281 |
Chapter Eight: Say it with me - Quality, Quality, Quality
Connect the dots, link the lines, and get on with life. |
361 |
Who Should Buy This Book
This is a spin-off of the 10 Gods succession and fourth in the Destiny Code series. Suitable for those wishing to enhance their knowledge and awareness on the aforementioned books, it is also an absolute must-have for those seeking to impart further insights into the wisdom of the 10 Gods in BaZi analysis.
BaZi - The Destiny Code (Book 1)
This is an ideal introductory book on BaZi or Four Pillars of Destiny,
written in an easy-to-read style with helpful illustrations. In this
comprehensive book, delve deeper into BaZi beyond the conventional
Chinese Astrology readings. Learn about the Ten Heavenly Stems, Twelve
Earthly Branches, special relationships between the Five Elements, the
technique of plotting a BaZi chart and simple, quick analysis techniques
for deciphering your Destiny Code.
BaZi - The Destiny Code Revealed (Book 2)
Elevate the knowledge gained through BaZi - The Destiny Code with this comprehensive volume, taking a step further into BaZi chart interpretation through an understanding of the Key Elemental relationships that affect the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.
Enter the 10 Gods (Book 3)
Get acquainted with the 10 Gods to strengthen your technical foundation in BaZi chart interpretation in terms of career, wealth and relationship. Find out how the 10 Gods present in a BaZi chart influence and shape a person's character, which is a composite of attitude, mindset, perceptions, actions and choices.This book aims to put your knowledge into practice and to improve your BaZi reading skills towards the professional level.
Qualifying the 10 Gods (Book 5)
In this continuation of the Destiny Code series, you will learn to tackle the quality factor in terms of the Five Elements and the 10 Gods in a BaZi chart. You will advance forward in analyzing charts with greater depth, assessing and interpreting the strengths of each individual 10 Gods within a chart. Learn how to evaluate a chart with Missing Elements and delve deeper into the complex topic of Rooting. This book will take you into yet another level of proficiency in fine-tuning your BaZi chart reading abilities.