Have you ever experienced dealing with someone difficult and thought, He is so talented, but too bad he is impossible to work with, or She is a genius but too bad she can't get along with anyone? It is disappointing to know that such people will never reach their full potential because they do not know their strengths and weaknesses. They don't understand others, and neither do they seem to understand themselves.
But what if that person is YOU - and you just don't know it?
Who you are determines your perception towards others. Who you are determines the angle or perspective from which you view the world. What people see is greatly influenced or perhaps even controlled by their self-image and their identity. Give it a test right now - people in the same room as you will see the exact things, issues, events, ideas and other people that you see - in a totally different way.
Well, because of their unique identity - their LENS with which they view life. This LENS is the subject of the third level in my BaZi Profiling series of books - known as the Ten BaZi Profiles.
Your personality comes through to others when you work with others, when you talk about others, when you are in a relationship with others or perhaps when you are just interacting with others. But it takes time for us get to know people, to mingle with them and learn things that we can't learn through observation alone.
BaZi Profiles offers us the quickest way to look through the lens of others or even our own, clearly. Simply put, the only way to change how we view life is to change who we are on the inside.
Every human being has a unique BaZi Profile. This Profile represents our personal frame of reference that consists of our attitudes, assumptions and expectations concerning ourselves, other people and life. This unique set of factors determines whether we are optimistic of pessimistic, happy or sad, jovial or gloomy, trusting or suspicious, friendly or conservative, courageous or shy, patient or temperamental, logical or emotional. These factors colour how we see life as well as how we influence or are influenced by others.
My BaZi Profiling series of books are based on my BaZi Personality Profiling System, which I've developed based on an ancient, time-tested system of Chinese Astrology known as BaZi八字. I've synthesized the entire system of BaZi into a simple and direct format that enables us to directly analyze a person's personality and behavior at three different levels, based simply on his or her date of birth. And all this is done without the need for any technical knowledge of Astrology.
Too many people are only familiar with the "12 Animal Year Signs" type of Chinese Astrology. But the true form of character traits in Chinese Astrology stems from a complex interplay of all the factors in a BaZi chart, and not just the Year of Birth. This is because in BaZi Profiling there is actually a combination of 500 different types of personality models!
Of course, delving into the full system of BaZi in great depth can be a tad bit daunting. That is why I've endeavored to present the system in an extremely simple, easy-to-understand format to enable general enthusiasts to immediately utilize BaZi Profiling to understand themselves and motivate, inspire and transform others through understanding their profiles.
My first two series of books:
- The BaZi Profiling: 10 Day Masters; and
- BaZi Profiling: 5 Structures;
cover the first two levels of my BaZi Profiling System. To get a concise and clear idea of the full picture, refer to the chart below:
Level 1 - The Day Master
The Day Master in a nutshell is the BASIC YOU. The inborn personality. It is your essential character. It answers the basic question "WHO AM I". There are ten basic personality profiles - the TEN Day Masters - each with its unique set of personality traits, likes and dislikes.

Level 2 - The Structure
The Structure is your behavior and attitude - in other words, how you use your personality. It expands on the Day Master (Level 1). The structure reveals your natural tendencies in life - are you more controlling, more of a creator, supporter, thinker or connector? Each of the Ten Day Masters express themselves differently through the FIVE Structures. Why do we do the things we do? Why do we like the things we like? - The answers are in our BaZi STRUCTURE.

Level 3 - The Profile (YOU ARE HERE)
The Profile reveals your unique abilities and skills, the masks that you consciously and unconsciously "put on" as you approach and navigate the world. Your Profile speaks of your ROLES in life. There are TEN roles - or Ten BaZi Profiles. Everyone plays a different role.
What makes you happy and what does success mean to you is different to somebody else. Your sense of achievement and sense of purpose in life is unique to your Profile. Your Profile will reveal your unique style.
The path of least resistence to your success and wealth can only be accessed once you get into your "flow." Your BaZi Profile reveals how you can get FLOW. It will show you your patterns in work, relationship and social settings. Being AWARE of these patterns is your first step to positive Life Transformation.
The book you are holding in your hands belongs to the BaZi Profiling: 10 Profiles series, the Profiles being the third level of BaZi Profiling.
Be Yourself, Only Better
We all know that our attitude is what MAKES or UNMAKES us. It is really not the circumstances, the bank account and the conditions of our birth that shape our life. We have complete control over our attitudes. Whether our outlook in life is positive or negative, expectant or reluctant, receptive or repulsive, open or closed is completely our choice.
I call this being at the "HEALTHY" or "UNHEALTHY" states of our BaZi Profile.
When your Profile is functioning at a healthy level, you exert a more positive attitude or reveal a more positive side of your BaZi Profile. When you are functioning at an unhealthy state, you tend to exert a more negative side of your Profile. It is important to clarify here that the level of 'healthiness' of a Profile has nothing to do with a person's actual physical health condition. "Healthy" or "Unhealthy" is a term I use to describe the states of a BaZi Profile where healthy means it is in a positive state and unhealthy means it is in a negative state.
Do take note that the Profile of every person will fluctuate between the levels of healthy and unhealthy throughout his or her life. The degree of this fluctuation depends on some extent the time, events and circumstances in life as well as influences from other people. But here's a secret - you can, BY CHOICE - choose to behave at the 'healthy' state of your Profile.
It's all about being YOU, but only BETTER.
It is amazing how two individuals of the same BaZi Profile can still be so different. This is because one may be functioning at a healthy level while the other is functioning at an unhealthy level. So make a conscious CHOICE to be better, according to your personal profile. Change is easy as you are only being yourself (but in a positive state).
The bar graph below shows the fluctuating levels of healthiness of a BaZi Profile.
Life Transformation - Designing Your Destiny
What is it that shapes our attitudes? It's our character. And how can we change something like our character if we don't know what our character is? That's why it is essential to first begin by being aware of your PROFILE.
I'm sure you've met or even known people who are their own 'worst enemy.' They always, for some reason, manage to sabotage themselves when success (in the form of a relationship or a dream job, for example) is just within reach.
Who we are - our self-image - can restrict or expand our ability to achieve success in life. A person with an unhealthy self-image or at what I call the "unhealthy levels of their BaZi Profile" will not achieve sustainable success in life because he will eventually bring himself down to the level of his own innate expectations as permissible by the 'health level' of his Profile.
Isn't it strange that human nature seems to endow all of us with the natural ability and instincts to size up or judge everyone else on earth except for ourselves?
Many people know that for things to change, they first need to change themselves. But how can they change, when they don't know WHAT to change? That is why all change - begins with SELF-AWARENESS.
This means the person you need to first get to know is YOURSELF. Many experts on relationship will say - you've got to be your own best friend first in order to improve yourself and have better relationships with others. True. But how do you 'become best friends' with someone you don't now or you don't even like? You simply can't!
Hence the purpose of BaZi Profiles is to help you understand YOURSELF.
If we ask ourselves (honestly) to give a kick in the butt to that ONE person who got us into all our troubles and emotional pain in life, I think we will find ourselves rather sore by now.
Take a look around: the people who often complain about difficulties in work or in relationships are often looking at everyone else but themselves to explain the problem.
With AWARENESS of ourselves - we understand and clearly see WHO we are. When we understand who we are we can come to the next stage - and that's REALIZATION.
We will begin to realize that the true source many of our problems are ourselves. We are the problem. Our mentalities, expectations, reservations, attitudes and habits form the biggest challenges and obstacles to our own success!
BaZi Profiling describes accurately our inner motives and habitual responses that greatly influence our individual character and molds and shapes our destiny. It allows us to diagnose how we function on the inside, and how we present ourselves on the outside.
Knowing What to Do... and Doing It
Everything you've ever experienced, good or bad is attributed to who you are. Your Profile is your lens to the outside world.
The printout of your Profile chart from my website, as mentioned earlier, will indicate clearly your Main Profile as well as its complementary side - that is, your Sub Profile (or Secondary Profile).
The Main Profile shows your primary role in life while your Sub Profile tells you your secondary role. Both profiles are equally important as human beings are complex creatures. We play different roles in different circumstances and environments in life. Who we are at work can be totally different from who we are at home.
In this book, you will also see sections describing your Intimate Subtype and Social Subtype.
Intimate Subtype describes your relationship mask - how you respond, react and behave in a relationship. Your Social Subtype describes your social mask - how you behave with close friends and in the world at large.
There is also a section describing your Hidden Nature. A person's hidden nature relates to what is on the inside. What subtly drives and motivates you to do the things you do and behave the way you do? Some of these hidden attributes may be aspects or traits that you aren't even consciously aware of.
You will also discover how your Profile operates in your career, and while under pressure. Learn the types of jobs that are easiest for your Profile to pursue. Discover what kinds of industries or disciplines towards which you're naturally inclined. And more importantly, learn how to become more effective in your work. To do this we will also discuss your profile's leadership style and what kind of skills will need to acquire to enable you to become more influential as a leader.
One Profile Fits All?
Human beings are multifaceted and complex. It is impossible that any one person has only ONE Profile that defines their entire life. Most people have multiple roles, and hence will the need to know his or her Main, Secondary, Social and Intimate profiles.
You do also need to bear in mind that this book shows you the traits of a Profile in general, and doesn't take into account the particularities of your entire BaZi chart.
If you find that you are living your life at the "unhealthy" state of your BaZi Profile, you will need to take conscious steps to initiate a change. This book may be used as a guide.
However if the DIY method is not effective enough for you, I will recommend that you engage one of my BaZi Personality Profiling life coaches to help you. A one-on-one coaching session will do two things: 1. Help you better understand your Profile; and 2. Help you plan a course of action to make a transformation for the better. Let us help you maximize the strengths of YOUR profile so that you can be a better you.
And perhaps if you'd like to take this subject further and help others - I would suggest taking one of my BaZi Profiling workshops that are offered around the world. Learn how to decode BaZi Profiles and solve PEOPLE problems. I call this PEOPLE-knowledge. Or perhaps you simply want to know more about people so that you could choose friends wisely and manage employees better. Attending one of our live workshops would serve any one of these purposes.
BaZi Profiling is a study that is designed to helps us understand ourselves better and make informed decisions, and ultimately, enables us to shape our life for the better.
Your best investment in life is yourself. Once you activate the strengths of your BaZi Profile, you will begin to walk on the Path of Least Resistance to Success!
Click here to watch an introduction on BaZi Essential Series - The Ten Profiles (BaZi Profiling)
Other profile books in this BaZi Profiling Series: