This is very refreshing and a useful/practical course. Chan Chi Tim, Singapore
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On the 8th January 2005, HSBC Bank invited Joey Yap to conduct a talk entitled Moving on To The Year of the Rooster in the Sunway Convention Center, Subang Jaya, Malaysia. This talk was specially held for the Premium banking customers of HSBC and was held from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. This event was graced by the presence of the Senior Manager of HSBC, Thomas Varughese as well as Anna Chua, the Premiere Centre Manager of HSBC. They were integral to the organization of this event and their assistance helped make it the success it was that day. The conference room was filled to capacity, with about 300 HSBC patrons present for to listen and learn from Joey.
Joey's talk was preceded by an introductory speech by Ms Chua. During the talk, Joey outlined the basics of Feng Shui and proceeded to enlighten his audience with easy tips and cures from the science of Flying Stars (Xuan Kong) and BaZi (Chinese Astrology). Joey also touched on the topic of Period 8, and dispersed advice on what the layman can do to tap into the more positive aspects of the new period. Other than this, Joey also touched on the Feng Shui for year 2005, dispensing simple and effective skills that can be quickly implemented at home and in the office. He also introduced various Face Reading techniques to assess an individuals luck in the year of 2005. His conversational style and keen wit kept the audience on their toes and entertained as well. The audience was seen to be engrossed throughout the talk and some were seen to be copiously taking down notes.
At the end of the talk, the organizers came forward to thank Joey for giving a glimpse of Feng Shui and its effectiveness to their most treasured clients. The Mastery Academy booths were seen to be surrounded by the audience who were eager to learn more from Joey Yap's Stories and Lessons on Feng Shui. Many also wanted to be more prepared for the year ahead and decided to pick up a copy of Joey Yap's Tong Shu Diary 2005.