Good, related translation presentation, made a lot of fun. Bernd Krosta, Germany
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It was a busy trip for Joey Yap in Singapore recently as he continues to share his expertise to help people make the best of the Metal Rabbit year.
CIMB hosted two Appreciation Dinners for its Premier Banking clients on February 9 and 10, where the highlight of each evening was an hour-long talk by Joey on the Outlook & Opportunities for 2011. The talk, held at Carlton Hotel on both evenings, began at 8.30pm.
During both talks, Joey revealed the Feng Shui forecast along with tips on Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2011. The audience also learnt about the Chinese Astrology for the year and was intrigued over the subject of BaZi Profiling for 2011. Joey incorporated the ten Day Masters in his BaZi outlook, which gave the audience a better glimpse of what's ahead and how to prepare themselves for opportunities accordingly.
Face Reading is always a crowd-pleaser segment in Joey's talks. The audience can easily pick up simple Face Reading skills then and there, thanks to Joey's fun and interactive approach. The dinner guests here for both evenings were no different as they attempt to face-read the people seated at their tables during this segment. It certainly brought plenty of laughter from all!
It was obvious the two evenings were a success as all went home with new knowledge, ready to take on the Metal Rabbit this 2011.