经过了一年漫长而艰辛的日子,是时候打起精神,重振旗鼓了。 2010年是金虎年,而您已经准备好在新一年里的全盘计划了吗?在工作岗位或生意上又会有什么机遇或变化呢?这一年,您的感情是否会开花结果又或会写下全新的一页呢?
世界著名风水顾问Joey Yap以及著名艺人黄翠玲将会在这个讲座会中与您分享十二生肖的运程、风水的转变、面相的分析、择日的技巧以及八字的奥秘。这些课题能够给您在打造新的计划上提供有用的资讯,让您在新的一年里能够运筹帷幄、事事顺利、步步高升。
Are you ready to greet 2010 with a resounding roar?
Having come through the unique challenges of the past year, we're now ready to push forward with greater energy and enthusiasm than ever before. Joey will also be having his Feng Shui and Astrology 2010 live talk show in Cantonese! Catch Joey and his co-host for a whole day of fun and witty banter coupled with his accurate insights and predictions for the Year of the Metal Tiger.
Joey Yap will teach you the methods that work - based on Classical Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Face Reading, and Date Selection - during his Feng Shui and Astrology for 2010 Seminar. You'll use it for your life, to address your specific worries and concerns, and be amazed at how far you will be able to go.
All you need to do is invest one day of your life... for a lifetime of possibilities.