Feng shui afflictions for 2015
Feng shui is widely practised by those seeking ways to improve their quality of life, especially in the aspects of wealth, relationships and health. While Chinese geomancy is deeply rooted in history and is trusted by millions of people worldwide, feng shui consultant Joey Yap warns that one must be aware of the destructive energies surrounding them if their efforts are to pay off.
Your efforts will mean nothing if there are killing or destructive energies around you in your home or your work place. That is why the first step in improving your feng shui should be identifying the negative factors affecting your home and work place.
Do remember that energies will change directions and locations annually. Moreover, certain directions that energy travels in are considered inauspicious because they exert negative influences called 'Sha Qi'. It is never too early to take note of these afflictions and arm yourself accordingly for the rest of the year.
Here are some sectors and feng shui afflictions for 2015 that you should consider.
1) The Five Yellow Star and Three Killings - West 1 Sector
- The West 1 area is considered as the most negative one for 2015 and should be avoided.
- Do not perform any ground-breaking events or renovation in this inauspicious sector.
- The negative consequences may include accidents, persistent health troubles, loss of wealth, mishaps, possible catastrophe as well as a series of concealed or hidden problems for the whole year long.
- Avoid this sector for the whole year if possible.
2) The Grand Duke - Southwest 1 Sector
- There will be unwanted setbacks, mishaps, and accidents befalling those who activated the energies of this area.
- At work, avoid facing or lingering around this sector, unless you want negative outcome to derive from your meeting or conference.
- It would be best to put your back against the Southwest 1 Sector as this will greatly enhance your authority at work and exert better sense of control.
- Avoid provoking the negative energies here and do not carry out any renovation and ground-breaking work.
- Spending more time in this area for important activities is also not advisable.
3) The Year Breaker: Northeast 1
- The Northeast 1 is an inauspicious sector this year due to the presence of the Year Breaker there.
- It is also known as the 'Wrath of the Grand Duke'.
- If aggravated, it can lead to extremely serious repercussions.
- It is advised that any renovation and refurbishment work in this area to be called off and avoided at all costs for the negative effects associated with the Year Breaker can sometimes have worse repercussions that that of the Grand Duke.
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