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Find out what Year of the Wood Goat brings
Source : The Malaysian Insider
Date : 21 Nov 2014
by Dato Joey Yap

As we approach the end of 2014, it is time to welcome a New Year. The Year of the Wood Goat is likely to be influential and fruitful for individuals who wish to discover more about what the year holds for them. The 12 Animal Signs for 2015 will help provide a deep insight into every animal sign and what the next 12 months have in store for each of those signs, as well as assist you in making the right decisions. Armed with this information, individuals can make better decisions to help guide them in the coming year.


Your intellect and creative energy will be all fired up in 2015, igniting a new sense of confidence and independence to take on any new challenges for the year. If your career is based in the creative and arts field, there is really no stopping you as you let your dynamic energy flow free for all to see. Even if you don’t consider yourself the creative type, you will still benefit from an increased learning capacity and insights which will support you in any training or educational tasks. If there is a course or qualification that you have wanted to take, now is the time to take up the challenge. While your newfound energy and passion to excel is giving you a new boost of life and conviction, remember that you are still human. Stress will take its toll on you if you continue to push yourself too hard for 2015. As you pursue your newfound passions in life, why not take this opportunity to also pursue other healthy passions in life as well? Consider making some healthy lifestyle changes by working out regularly, eating right, resting more and just find some time to sit down, relax and enjoy life for a moment.


This year, you will be swinging from one good opportunity to another. There are positive indications for career progression and personal happiness as well. The only limits here are the ones you set for yourself. Not only will you encounter the opportunity for a job promotion but you are also likely to become involved in new business projects that will prove to be financially rewarding for you in the long run. Central to all this will be your natural ability to hold court with newfound friends, potential love interests and influence the right people who will be cheering you on immensely as your pursue your goals and ambitions for 2015. Despite your exuberance for life and your newfound luck, you have the dark tendency to lose yourself in the moment. This can cause you to develop bouts of depression and insecurity as you navigate the maze of life. Keep a level head and be conscious of who you are and what you are planning to do for 2015. With that in mind, you can overcome any mental or emotional obstacles and succeed in whatever you plan to do.


It is time for you to consider reversing the trend that your life has always taken. Instead of constantly chasing wealth and success like you did in the past - why not spend more time with the people that matters most to you – your family and friends. Money does make the world go round but it cannot buy you happiness or the love and the respect of your family and friends. As there will be some undesirable obstacles along the way, take comfort in knowing that there will be a rainbow at the end of every rainstorm. Take a step back from the craziness of life and look inside yourself and you will discover that for all the skills and money one can have, what matters most is a good heart and soul. With a little self-discipline and determination, anything is possible for you to achieve this year. Just remember where your heart truly lies and know that you can always go home when you want to.


You will be blessed with the innate ability to seek wealth and prosperity this year. In addition to the ability to make money, there are indications that the women in your life or women in senior positions will be more than happy to lend you a hand in setting your plans into motions or putting them back on track if they have been derailed. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for new opportunities to further your goals but always remember to be diplomatic, poised and gracious when pursuing them. It is possible that 2015 will offer you numerous challenges, so the best thing you can do will be to rise above it, while keeping yourself grounded. If you are always restrained, calm and rational, then you will have weathered the worst of the challenges and issues, leaving you free to focus on your career and family obligations.


This year denotes positive consequences for your career. If you are employed by an organization, it is likely that your efforts will finally be recognized by the top senior management and that you will soon be on your way for a promotion and salary increment. If you own your own business, it is likely that exploring new markets could spell a profit increase for you. As long as you are prepared to think outside of the box, you will see the progress you so desire. This year might be the right time for you to evaluate your friendship with the people around you as some of your so-called friends are becoming envious of the success you will have this year. Be careful with who you make friends with and always be strong when dealing with petty gossip, jealousy and drama. No matter what happens, do not allow pettiness to get to your head. Keep calm and always remember that you will be a more effective person and worker when you are relaxed and stable. 2015 has a lot to offer you, provided you keep a level head and be prepared with all the right facts to face any challenge. With your eyes firmly on the prize, there is nothing you cannot do.


It is time to reach out to others and to seek the support that you rightfully deserve. When you do so, you will see how easy it is to get the help you need and thus allow yourself the opportunity to expand your influence or take on more responsibility. When your efforts are noticed by the right people, it will, of course, be rewarded in your monthly pay cheque. Although it is fun to constantly chase after wealth and success, you would do well to also make an effort to spend some quality time with your spouse or partner. Doing so will keep the flames of your love for each other to continue, even when it has sizzled out for a while in the past year. That is why 2015 is likely to be a year of growth and renewal - both for your and your relationships. For as you continue to develop your sense of self-worth at work, you will also continue to develop your connection with the people that truly matters in your life. That is what truly matters.


It is grand to have high ambitions, but sometimes you need to look at what is right in front of you and set goals that can be achieve in the short term. You will attain success easily this way. In 2015, this is especially true as there are signs that your head is constantly up high in the clouds, chasing lofty goals, while forgetting about the more tangible ones on the ground. It would be wise to make sure that you are aware about your affairs and that you always have a back-up plan. This means that you need to work a little bit harder than your peers to achieve your goals. You will also need to watch your finances for this New Year and start developing a budget and savings plan. It does not matter if you are currently well-off or not because like the clouds above you, your money will just as easily drift away with the passing of the winds. The key to having a successful 2015 is to be in the moment. Keep your head and feet planted firmly on the ground because if you don’t, then you will miss out on the opportunities that could pass you by.


2015 is poised to be an outstanding year for you. Not only can you look forward to your career success and personal happiness but all and any problems that you will face this year will be solved in a blink of an eye. You will have plenty to celebrate about – whether it is a graduation, making a lifelong commitment to a partner, welcoming a new addition to the family or receiving a promotion. With so much to cheer for, do remember to thank the people whom have helped you reached your goals. This means improving on your interpersonal skills and learning to mind your words and actions for fear of offending someone. Know that 2015 could be a very big year for you and that you will have plenty of reason to celebrate by the end of the year. Together with the support of your friends and advisors, you will have every reason to be positive about the next twelve months. Make sure you make the most of them.


You would benefit greatly when you focus on your relationships in 2015 and really work hard to make the most out of the support and friendship that is offered to you. Noble people that surround you throughout the year will contribute to the level of your success for the year. It would be prudent to show some gratitude and also to work to maintain an allegiance with people for your own benefit. This is because the relationships that you have developed in every area of your life may prove beneficial for your career development, financial success and personal happiness. 2015 is also likely to be a great year for you financially as there are suggestions that you will receive substantial financial gains in the form of bonuses, pay rises or profit returns from your investments. However successful you could be this year, you will also need to protect yourself from minor accidents. As long as you are vigilant and always thinking positively, the New Year will prove to be an outstanding year full of friendship, laugher and success. Keep smiling and have kindness in your heart and there is no limit to what you can accomplish.


2015 will be an exciting year for you as you will have a slew of different options and opportunities that will present itself to you if you are willing to grab onto them. Even when you feel overloaded by all these choices, rest assured that you will have a noble person waiting in the corner to lighten your load. The positive influences this year means that great things will take place in terms of your career – either taking it to new heights or kick-starting it again. While you will see immense progress in your career, do remember that you will need to commit yourself fully in order to achieve the maximum end results you crave. However fortunate you may feel about the new opportunities for your career, it does not guarantee that these choices are the right choice for you. Seek the advice of Noble people and gather the right information before you make a decision. This year, take the bull by its horns and prove your dedication to the many challenges offered to you. No matter what happens, know that you will always have your supporters and luck on your side to fly high this year.


You should be coiled and ready for action in 2015, for this year will be rich with opportunities for you to grow as a person and to improve your skills, social position and career prospects. Since your growth is pretty much self-directed, you will find that you have ample support from a variety of sources to guide and support your growth. This will have a profound impact on your good fortune and personal development as it speaks of your ability towards learning how to perform in new arenas and absorbing new information. It will be particularly beneficial for those who work in education and research or for those who are engaged in long-term study, as it will enhance their learning capacity. You will be given the chance to showcase your skills and make progress towards your wider goals. It is likely that you will also be showered with opportunities and you should be prepared to strike when the iron’s hot. Overall, you should have a very exciting year ahead with plenty of opportunities to spread your wings and flex your intellectual and creative muscles. Together with the love and support of good friends, you will have everything you need for a promising and fulfilled 2015.


2015 should be a year about focusing on loving yourself more. In short, you must learn to take care of yourself this year. This means that it is vital for you to create a sense of work-balance that includes proper rest, eating healthily and taking the time to treat yourself right. That said, you should not neglect your work responsibilities totally as there are some exciting opportunities coming your way which you should grab onto. As you continue to develop a sense of division between work and life balance, rest assured that you will always have someone to rely on in sickness and in health. You are likely to enjoy some positive gains in your career for 2015 and earn yourself some considerable wealth in the process. The trick now is working hard without jeopardizing your health and happiness. Take heed and remember the love, respect and appreciation that surrounds you and it won’t be hard for you to stay upbeat and healthy for the rest of the year.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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