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Which career should you pursue?
Source : SME (Jan Issue)
Date : 1 Jan 2014
by Joey Yap

Perhaps you are now at an important crossroads in your life. After you have graduated from university or your tertiary studies, you have an idea of what you want to do with your life after spending some time studying it. But it's not always the case that we get our dream job right after graduation. In the meantime, depending on economic circumstances, you may have to reconsider your expectations or be willing to take a challenge in considering a job or career field that you may not have thought about before. But how do you get a better sense of which career you should pursue?

This is where Chinese astrology, or BaZi, can help. Using BaZi to help you figure out what career or job role you should pursue based on your individual BaZi Profile. Your BaZi Profile is tabulated using your birth date and your BaZi chart. While studying your BaZi chart in detail can reveal so much about your past, present and future in all aspects of life, for the purpose of this article it's sufficient that you log on to, key in your birth date, and get your BaZi Profile.

Your BaZi Profile is a useful starting point from which to analyse how best to utilise your intrinsic talents and capabilities to help you find a fulfilling career or job role, as your Profile reveals your 'style' in life - it's about the different roles you perform when you go out into the world and enter into relationships, or engage with others, or how you manifest your actions in what you do for a living. Using BaZi to pinpoint your career choice and job role is an ideal way to match your desires and talents and interests to a future career and job role that is likely to benefit you in the long run.

Pursuing a career with help from the BaZi Ten Profiles

  • The Warrior Profile (Seven Killings): If you're a Warrior Profile, your style of work is likely to involve strategy and hands-on activity. You work hard, identify problems easily, and set to go about solving it. However, it is hard for you trust others easily. As such, you will generally tend to do well in job roles that require you to provide solutions, or run the ship - such a managerial role. You also make good leaders and strategists (ie. business restructuring). You will do well in the corporate environment, where it's a dog-eat-dog world! You will also thrive in civil service and law, and the military. In terms of leadership, you'll also feel comfortable as life coaches and trainers, or for business and sports.

  • The Diplomat Profile (Direct Officer): If you're a Diplomat Profile, your style of work will tend to revolve around support and nurturance, which is precisely what you provide in spades for others. You find the middle ground among disparate people and factions, as befits your 'diplomat' name, and smooth things over. You are precise and proficient and like to improve on existing things. As such, you are unlikely to feel comfortable or do your best in competitive, cut-throat environments. You will be good in the role of a middle manager, or that of a counsellor or therapist. Your nurturing side also finds fulfilment in medicine - whether as a doctor or nurse. You'll do well in social work and conflict resolution, as well as in politics at the grassroots level or in civil service.

  • The Analyzer Profile (Direct Resource): If you're an Analyzer Profile, your style of work will involve analysis! You tend to work hard at comprehending and understanding systems, facts, ideas, and numbers. You invest in the knowledge you learn, and create and engineer organisational systems. As such, you'll work well as researchers or developers in the sciences, including social and computer science. You can also succeed in politics, where you'll gravitate towards policies and law. You're good with numbers, so you'll be comfortable as financial analysts, advisors, investors, or fund managers. Economics will also speak to you! Because of your respect for knowledge and knowledge processes, you'll also do well in education and academia.

With the outline above, you can have a general sense of the move you need to make into a particular career field or industry. Perhaps you already know which field you want to be in, but are unsure of the capacity or role in which you can best contribute. Tailoring it to your Profile will ensure that your career decisions are in sync with your inclinations, desires, and talents.

Of course, for a detailed, thorough assessment of your specific unique talents and capabilities as seen in your BaZi chart, you will do well to set up a BaZi consultation with a professional, or take up a BaZi class or workshop to analyse your chart on your own. The Ten Profiles should be used as a general benchmark only; however, it can still help you make an initial assessment of your career interests and help you pursue the one that bests match your own!

Click here to view the review in full.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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