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Hope to improve my English so I am able to understand the next BaZi Module 4 easily. Presentation is very good.

George Kappos, Greece

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Joey Yap Helps London Discover the Power of Good Dates
November 3-6, 2008

Fast on the heels of his inaugural speaking appearance in London, Joey presented his Date Selection Modules (ZeRi) 1 and 2 classes at the bustling Canary Wharf (built on the historic site of the West India Docks) in London between November 3 and November 6. This was a notable moment for many reasons; not least because it was the second time ever that the Date Selection class was being held, and also because it was the first time it was being held outside of Malaysia. Module 1 was held between November 3 and 4, while Module 2 was held between November 5 and 6.

Things kicked off with Module 1 on November 3, a Monday, as students trickled in bright and early to get a headstart on the rudiments of Date Selection. Joey went right into the heart of things by starting the class off with an introduction to the basics of Date Selection, explaining its significance in Chinese culture and history, and drawing on its importance in Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics.

Joey then took students through the technicalities of Date Selection with the Year, Month, and Day Star systems. Students were shown how this works when they were told to incorporate these principles with their respective birth dates. During the progression of the course, Joey emphasised how Date Selection is not merely about selecting the right date for any activity – but also about choosing the right date that will produce the desired outcome, thereby making the practice of Date Selection a very potent and highly-sought after skill indeed.

Module 1 was also liberally interspersed with real-life case studies that helped students exercise their newfound knowledge almost immediately, giving them a chance to learn exactly how to put it to use, and also ensuring that they grasped everything in both theoretical and practical terms.

Date Selection Module 2 began on November 5th, and students who were in the earlier Module decided to stay on for Module 2 as well, since it was a rare opportunity to have Joey teach a class in London. Module 2 was centered more on Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection, and this class helped students fine-tune their application of Date Selection practices.

In this Module, students were taught how the various Clashes and Combinations of a BaZi, as well as the 64 Hexagrams, have effects and uses within Date Selection. This section was the most awe-inspiring of all for the students, as they were made to see how it could be used to influence direct results, even to the point of affecting endeavours undertaken to produce wealth. But, as Joey cautioned, Date Selection doesn't work in a vacuum, and students were reminded not to think of it as a 'quick-fix' as it doesn't quite work that way!

Students were taught the advanced skills of deriving Hexagram meanings and activating Hexagrams, something that is usually practiced by proficient Xuan Kong Date Selection experts. Joey also showed students what factors to consider when Xuan Kong Flying Stars is approached from the Xuan Kong Date Selection viewpoint. As in Module 1, students had to test their mettle on the case studies presented, but these were looked at with more of an in-depth focus than in Module 1.

There were plenty of opportunities for students to 'practice' their Date Selection techniques in class, and the London class was indeed full of questions and discussions that served as jumping-off points for further investigation and analysis. The students didn't miss an opportunity to approach Joey at the end of the class and ask him further questions on Date Selection that had been brewing in their minds throughout the class, and many also found this a good time to forge ties with one another.

The Date Selection Modules 1 and 2 were a wonderful learning opportunity for all involved, and it was made all more enjoyable for having taken place in the thriving and captivating city of London.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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