Fascinating and lots of detail. Lim Keng Hock, Malaysia
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18 Jan 2006 - Johor, Malaysia For HSBC Bank premier clients from Johor, the date of 18 th January 2006 held a much-awaited experience – they were treated to a talk by Joey Yap on the Feng Shui and Astrology for the year of the Fire Dog 2006. In a unique approach to a HSBC event, the talk was held on-board the prestigious Danga Bay Cruise. The evening was perfect -almost 500 of HSBC's Premier customers boarded the boat and mingled in the friendly atmosphere; many entrepreneurs were wondering what the year held in store.
Once the emcee for the night introduced Joey Yap, he took to the stage. The crowd was eager to listen to Joey Yap's forecast for the year and many who had come earlier were already holding copies of his latest book, Feng Shui and Astrology for 2006 .
Once Joey dived into the essentials of the year ahead, the audience was in rapt attention. Those closer to the stage were quick to ask questions and with his usual wit and charm, Joey Yap kept the audience enthralled. His tips on Mian Xiang – the Chinese art of Face Reading - went over very well with the crowd who eagerly made notes on what each of the facial features meant.
The short Questions & Answers session with the audience marked the end of the talk, with many who attended taking the opportunity to get Joey Yap to sign his books that they had just purchased.