Thank you Joey for the interesting lesson. The last 3 days have been extremely enlightening. Leong Soon Peng, Singapore
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17th December 2005 - Mastery Academy of Metaphysics, KL, Malaysia On the 17 th December 2006, Joey Yap held a seminar on Feng Shui for Your Home at the Mastery Academy of Metaphysics headquarters in Mid Valley. He started by candidly differentiating Classical Feng Shui and the commonly known, New Age Feng Shui. He explained how Classical Feng Shui does not require homeowners to place ‘luck – enhancing' ornaments around their homes or for the use of any items.
He also gave the attendees more details on the fundamentals of classical Feng Shui so that they would be well grounded in the basics. Joey Yap covered topics like the Five Elements as well as the various Elemental Cycles and the question of what Qi really is.
The attendees then learned how to read the 24 Mountain Ring on the Luo Pan and how they could also use a simple compass to take basic readings for their home should they not have a Luo Pan. Joey also explained how Qi moves within an apartment property and how this would affect the analysis and the various Feng Shui techniques applied to a property. He showed diagrams and pictures on how to take the direction of an apartment and how you then superimpose the Flying Star chart of the whole block into your apartment.
During the Questions and Answers session, some of the attendees brought the outline of their house plan for Joey to evaluate and he used this as a learning tutorial for other students to learn more about how Feng Shui can be successfully applied to a residential property.