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With the release of Dato’ Joey Yap’s second book in the Chinese Art of Face Reading series titled Book of Moles, a book talk on the topic of all things related to moles were presented to hundreds of Feng Shui enthusiasts on 28 July 2015.
The 2-hour event was held at Joey Yap Conference Centre, South Tower, The Gardens, Kuala Lumpur and it started at 7.00pm.
At the session, Dato’ Joey shared with the participants on how moles impact different denominations of Face Reading, which include the Twelve Palaces, the Thirteen Meridian Paths and other features of a human being’s face. He also helped the participant understand the meanings and implications of moles at different parts of a person’s face. It was an informative and knowledge-filled session for those who have an interest in this particular study of Face Reading.