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Thanks Joey for your generosity in sharing your knowledge with us (and the world!). Your immense wealth and knowledge and teaching skills are truly golden.

Toh Kong Eu, Malaysia

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Great response for BaZi and Mian Xiang classes in Singapore
Reported by Chris Francis

Students who attended the BaZi Module 2 in Singapore got more than what they bargain for as Joey Yap took BaZi reading to a new level, focusing on very advanced analysis techniques and theories. This was the first BaZi Module 2 class to be held after an interval of four months and the first in Singapore for 2005.

It was held in the majestic and elegant Marriott Hotel, located in the heart of Singapore, from June 28 – 30. This trip to Singapore was unique as the Singaporean students specially requested Joey to conduct classes here, since there were initially no plans to have a BaZi Module 2 class.

In this intensive three-day course, Joey taught the students how to expand their knowledge of reading a BaZi chart and conduct in-depth analysis in the areas of marriage, health and career. By using many examples of students’ charts, Joey elaborated how precise a BaZi chart can be in forecasting the destiny and how a person could plan for it.

Besides BaZi Module 2, the ever popular and captivating Mian Xiang Module 1 was held on July 1. This course received such an overwhelming response that some students were still signing up for the course on the day of the course itself.

Students had a good time in this Mian Xiang course as it was conducted in very relaxed manner. They were also able to catch the lighter side of Joey as he used humor and his easy-going wit to get the students more involved in the lesson.

Even though this course was carried out with a less serious approach, students were still able to grasp what was taught throughout the session. Some even brought their own mirrors to analyze their own face. All in all, the Mian Xiang Module was a perfect end to a fruitful week.

“Joey is so brilliant, giving fresh information that relieve my BaZi knowledge. Great class.” - Dr. Davis Ajiaribowo

“I really enjoyed it and learn a whole new chunk of things and am really excited to put into use.” - Bonita Pang

“Thanks for sharing your knowledge.” - Preet R. Kahlon

“Joey, I applaud you for achieving an amazing feat – to successfully impart, in only three days, sufficient knowledge, information and advice for a student to be able to a) conduct professional in-depth analysis of any person’s life (plus his/her relatives and partners) and b) to offer positive guidance and even life altering changes. That is indeed a powerful tool ton possess and a responsible position to be in. Thank you for researching, designing and sharing a very well structured, one-of-a-kind BaZi course. Your unique methods of chart analysis and application, especially looking at the big picture using vivid visual imagery, have truly helped improve my appreciation and usage of BaZi by leaps and bounds. Personally, I cannot wait to attend BaZi M3 with its promise of learning even more powerful tools of analysis and application.” - Sarah Ho

“I will ‘follow the leader’ Joey Yap to complete all the courses. Great structure, great teacher, great information. Thank you so much for imparting so much information and sharing your knowledge.” - Jane Dempster-Smith

“Very systematic and structured course. Excellent understanding of the subject and able to teach the subject in a very lively and interesting manner.” - Gan Swee Lee

“Very in-depth and useful tools. Detail oriented.” - Linda Seck

“Thank you for the enlightening 3 days course. The information has been helpful and I could see myself applying the knowledge immediately.” - Ong Lay Hong

“An excellent course that everybody should attend!” - Lee Shao Hwa

“Excellent course structure and teaching method. Thank you for the enjoyable lessons, only a handful of practitioners are good teachers, thank goodness you are one.” - Theora Ho

“I enjoy a lot during this course. It has opened my mind on seeing things in a different perspective. And the lesson was very structured. It has really ‘loosen’ my mind. Thank you. - Chua Boon Siew

“Best BaZi class I ever attended. The explanation helps to clear my doubts that I had all these years. I am looking forward to Module 3!” - Lim Joo Peng

Reported by Chris Francis

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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