September 5 - 6, 2014
The Grow Rich with BaZi programme made its way to Singapore and was attended by an audience of BaZi and Chinese Metaphysics aficionados at M Hotel on September 5, 2014. The one-and-half-day course was conducted by Dato' Joey Yap and Chan Chee Tim, a senior consultant and instructor at the Mastery Academy.
The course touched on various topics including the basic components of a BaZi Chart from the Day Masters, the Five Structures to the Ten Profiles. Dato' Joey stressed on the awareness of an individual's talent being important to know where they would stand and what role to play in their respective lives. This can be done through analysing each person's BaZi Chart, which is essentially the guide towards each individual's path.
On the second day of the course, Chee Tim explained on the fundamentals of recognising and knowing the impact of the Wealth Element in a BaZi Chart by citing real-life examples and scenarios. The audience's understanding of this was heightened through its relatability and the instances given by Chee Tim. The participants were able to recognize the suitable career paths for them to generate the possibilities of increased wealth.