Many Thanks Joey for your advancement. This class is so fabulous. The text given is so intensive, very informative. You have upgraded us to a higher level of reading a BaZi chart. You are a great Master to learn from. Vivien Ng Sweh Buay, Singapore
Those student who wish to seek career guidance advice may contact us here.
The Mian Xiang Mastery™ Modules 1 and 2 program is considered the most fun and easy-to-learn subject to master by many. It is safe to say that the demand for this program continues to be popular here at Mastery Academy.
In the recent class in Kuala Lumpur, senior consultant and instructor, Jessie Lee guided the students for Module 1, where they learn the fundamentals of Mian Xiang or Chinese Face Reading applications in terms of facial features, shapes and contours. By the time they had familiarized themselves with the basic techniques, the students moved on with advanced techniques in Module 2 under Joey Yap's guidance.
The highlight of the program was clearly the practical session, where students put their Face Reading skills to the test, interpreting each other's faces. This brought on much laughter to everyone. And thanks to the interactive nature of the instruction, the students were able to analyze character, relationships, career prospects and health aspects better by the end of the program.