As a run-up to the Chinese New Year festivities, Joey Yap has been called upon by a number of large corporate clients to present an outlook on the Feng Shui of the coming year. Held on the 29th of January at Park Royal Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Joey Yap was once again invited by OCBC Bank to give a talk on the coming Year of the Rooster and what to expect.
This event was held for their valued clients and long-standing customers and a similar event had been held last year as well. Many familiar OCBC customers from last year were happy to have the opportunity to listen to Joey Yap again. The room was full as many, many loyal OCBC customers packed the room to hear what the new year would have in store for them and how they could make the best of it.

An eager crowd greeted Joey and many had come prepared with notepads to take down the crucial points that were going to be made during his talk. Joey was in his element and was seen lively interacting with the members of the audience with his usual witty approach.
After the initial introduction to what classical Feng Shui was all about, Joey Yap launched into the various Feng Shui aspects of your home and office that needed to be looked into for the coming year. Although many in the crowd were worried that the 5 Yellow Star was once again a concern (it had been relatively docile last year), others were seen happy to hear that their offices were correctly placed to capitalize on the annual Feng Shui of 2005.

Even during the short tea break, Joey Yap was peppered with questions which he was happy to answer. After the break, the talk continued and Joey focused on the general effects the year of the Wood Rooster would have on the various Chinese Animal Zodiac signs. As a bonus, he also spoke a little about Face Reading and suggested a few quick tips on how to read a person's character based on his facial features before wrapping up the session.
A generous round of applause for Joey Yap was followed by the happy crowd of attendees proceeding to the arranged lunch which signalled the end of the session.