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Your Head Here is finally HERE!
November 19, 2011

The highly-anticipated debut release of Sherwin Ng's Your Head Here finally embossed its mark in history last Saturday as its official launch took place at MPH Bookstore of Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur. Attended by honorary guests, Master Practitioner and Chinese Metaphysics extraordinaire, Joey Yap and Tai Kwai Meng from MPH Distributors, the event amassed a large gathering of enthusiasts and the author's students alike.

Joey commanded the show with his inspiring speech about Sherwin's dip into the world of Chinese Metaphysics as a firecracker to the event. Describing him as a shy but aspiring young boy, Joey couldn't help but felt moved by Sherwin's persistence and diligence towards achieving his dreams that have now landed him a senior instructor at Mastery Academy, a fellow writer and a respected comrade.

The stage was all his as Sherwin conquered the time everyone was waiting for. He shared nine fundamental bedroom rules that should become an essential practice in every household. Aimed to dispel any reservations on Bedroom Feng Shui and introduce the importance of mountains in Feng Shui, his book also attempts to provide better understanding on how these mountains affect our house, specifically our bedrooms.

The audience was noticeably astonished to find out that whatever it is that we are searching for in life, we can just fulfill our needs and wants simply by adjusting different bed positions! Health, relationships, power and authority, this book can help to propel readers to seizing life's best pleasures.

The event also highlighted the autograph session of the mockup book cover by Joey, Sherwin and Tai as the book launch progressed further. With a book-signing session that followed soon after, the audience showed their valued support and appreciation by getting up close and personal with the author of the FengShuilogyseries' second release.

In essence, it was such a memorable weekend filled with new revelations of knowledge and fun delights along the way. Attendees were appreciative of their time spent there and are surely furthermore engrossed in their newfound respect towards Bedroom Feng Shui as they take on applying it in real life.

Sherwin Ng's Your Head Here is now available at the Mastery Academy eStore and all leading bookstores nationwide and in Singapore.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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