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Very interesting module for beginners, with good method of lecturing to help us understand the fundamentals of Feng Shui. Joey is a great master trainer in Feng Shui.

Pauline Kho Geok Sim , Malaysia

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Lin Say Launches 'Faces of Fortune' at MPH
August 17, 2011

Tee Lin Say officially launched her first book, Faces of Fortune: The 20 Tycoons to Bet on Over the Next 10 Years, at MPH Bookstores in Mid Valley Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur, on August 17. The book launch, which began at 3pm, saw a large turnout of invited guests, customers, colleagues, friends and family of the author coming out to support her.

Gracing the event were Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin, the CEO of S P Setia Berhad, and Top Glove Corp Bhd's founder, Tan Sri Lim Wee-Chai. Both were also featured as two of the twenty tycoons in Lin Say's book.

"The book has embarrassed me tremendously." Tan Sri Liew joked during the launch, which brought much laughter from the crowd. He went on to explain that these days, he noticed people attempting to study his face wherever he went.

Despite the attention, Tan Sri Liew, along with Tan Sri Lim, both congratulated Lin Say for a job well done on the book.

Joey Yap, Lin Say's mentor, had praised on her efforts and hard work she had put in for over a year, researching and writing the book. "It is good to see that she is able to put a Chinese Metaphysics science (Face Reading or Mian Xiang) into something relatable in real life."

The Star's Group Chief Editor, Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai, also commended Lin Say for bringing something new to the market, a book that combines the art of Face Reading and business.

"You can judge a book by its cover, if you know how," said Lin Say as she explained about Face Reading. She went on to say that human nature does not change in one second, and the face can reflect a lot about a person.

Being a business journalist with the Star Publications (M) Bhd for almost ten years gave Lin Say the opportunity to meet and interview the twenty tycoons featured in her book. She had narrowed down to these tycoons as they have good Mian Xiang features for the next ten years - thus, giving her book a unique angle for investors looking to bank-in on the companies lead by these tycoons in the next decade.

During the book launch, Lin Say also gave a quick Face Reading demonstration on several tycoons, namely IOI Corp Group's Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng, CIMB Group Holdings Bhd's Datuk Seri Nazir Razak and YTL Group's Tan Sri Francis Yeoh Sock Ping.

A book signing session was also held at the end of the event.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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