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How Qi Affects The Eight Different Types Of Houses Based On Main Doors (Part 1)
Source : iProperty
Date : 1 Jun 2015
by Dato Joey Yap
Main Door in North Sector

Your wealth luck will be bright this year if the Main Door of your home or office is located in the North sector for 2015. The Wealth Star that will be present here can reward you with great wealth reaped from your business and investment deals. If you wish for any of your money-generating projects to be successful, use this sector often. Even if the Main Door is not located here, you can still tap into the benefits of this sector. For greater results, place Yang-influencing objects such as a television or clock to help attract more positive energies into this sector.

The #8 White Star here also helps to further boost your career and personal development and will help further enhance your Wealth Luck provided you meditate and spend more time in this sector. If you wish to improve your outlook significantly, it would be beneficial if the North sector of your property is facing some mountains or hills as this can promote good health and longevity for the occupants living here. However, if you spot some rocky mountains or any other negative features outside this sector, be careful as this signifies slow personal growth or stagnated progress for everyone residing in the property.

The outlook for different bedrooms in a property that has a North sector Main Door

(June 6th–July 6th)

There will be happy events and good news especially if this bedroom is used. At work, make all your work achievements and efforts known to your boss to secure the opportunity for a promotion. Finance and stock industries will also reap substantial profits from their activities this month and relationships will be blissful for couples using this bedroom.

Main Door in Northwest Sector

Love is in the air for you thanks to the presence of the Peach Blossom Star #4 that is shining brightly in the Northwest sector this year. When your Main Door opens to the Northwest sector, be prepared to experience a boost to your love life and see your love prospects increase. Unfortunately, this Peach Blossom luck is only for singles living here and will have negative effects for married couples as this will put a strain on their marriage and trust in each other.

If your Gua is #9 and #2, do use this Main Door as often as you can as this can significantly boost your academic, research and literary outlooks. Should you wish to welcome in more Peach Blossom Luck, ensure that the external Northwest area is decorated with a quiet and stable landscape. Having an unstable feature such as moving water can trigger an overactive Peach Blossom Star and the occupants can find themselves under “attack” from third-party influences. However, if you spot mountains in the horizon of the Northwest Main Door, this will grant you greater success especially where fame is concerned and literary success for the rest of the 12 months.

The outlook for different bedrooms in a property that has a Northwest sector Main Door

(June 6th – July 6th)

Professional athletes will excel in their competitions this month. Employees who prove their worth will have the opportunity to rise into positions of power and authority. However, be wary of envious competitors in your midst. Success and financial rewards are guaranteed for those who use this bedroom this month although the energies will also enhance feelings of loneliness as well.

We will continue to highlight the rest of the 12 Months and the Main Doors in Part 2 of this article.
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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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