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Everyone wants a place to call home. You may have found your dream house but how can you be sure it is truly meant to be. Perhaps the answer can be revealed with a little help from Classical Feng Shui.

Give yourself an extra edge when you go house hunting for your dream home. Learn useful Feng Shui applications to help you select the right property for you and your family to ensure a happy home for all.

Feng Shui is about harnessing the Qi (energy) of your living environment to help you achieve your goals. It makes your home a comfortable and joyous place to reside in and at the same time, support your life goals.

Join this informative two-day workshop, conducted by Mastery Academy Feng Shui consultant and instructor, Sherwin Ng, as he brings easy-to-learn Feng Shui fundamentals necessary to give you the edge in property selection and making a successful sale.

Understand the essentials in selecting the right property for you and your family members, or perhaps your clients

Learn straightforward but essential Classical Feng Shui formulas all homebuyers need to know.

Identify internal positive and negative forms inside the property.

Discover Feng Shui trade secrets to improve property sales.
Property Selection Made Easy
When it comes to property selection, you must evaluate both the external and internal Feng Shui aspects of the property. This workshop covers the Feng Shui essentials any homebuyers should grasp for maximum benefits, whether you are buying or selling a property.

Programme Overview

Day 1
Understanding Your Self

  • Identify your Gua number, Animal Sign and personal directions
  • Understand the reasons these are essential in property selection that is right for you and your family members
  • Learn prediction methods using your Gua number and Animal Sign
Location, Location, Location (External Feng Shui)
  • Identify good areas to 'star' with and the bad areas to avoid as well
  • Discover possible remedies for negative external forms
  • Master straight-forward but essential Classical Feng Shui formulas all homebuyers need to know
  • Learn how to take the Direction of the house and understand how it affects you

Day 2
Inside the House (Internal Feng Shui)

  • Get a clearer picture of the 3 Crucial Factors in internal Feng Shui evaluation: Door, Bedroom and Stove
  • Understand internal positive and negative forms
  • Find the best locations in the house with the Flying Stars chart
  • Need to know: "Who sleeps in which room?"
  • Learn the remedies for problem sectors
  • Know the difference with long term vs. short term Feng Shui

Feng Shui Applications & Tips

  • What's the annual afflictions and remedies of the year
  • Things to consider before a renovation
  • Annual Flying Stars for short term goals
  • Feng Shui trade secrets to improve sales such as the Peach Blossom Water technique

About the Speakers

Sherwin Ng is known through his writings as 'the Kingfisher', began his career in Chinese Metaphysics as a writer for Feng Shui articles, before progressing to professional consulting under Yap Global Consulting . Two years later, he was nominated as Instructor for the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics. Today, he is sought-after by corporate clients for his expertise in BaZi, Date Selection, as well as Yi Jing Divination – and has done Feng Shui/Astrology talks for SIME Darby, Mah Sing, Hong Leong, HSBC, BMW, and UTAR, amongst others.

Sherwin divides his time between Chinese Metaphysics consulting, teaching, research and writing, with his other lifework – spiritual counseling, and of course – poetry. On the academic front, Sherwin is the invigilator for the annual diploma exams of the Feng Shui Mastery and BaZi Mastery series.

Chan Chi Tim is a qualified and experienced consultant and instructor with Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, specializing in BaZi, Feng Shui and Date Selection. His extensive knowledge in BaZi and Feng Shui has led him to teach both subjects in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. Other than teaching, he has also presented talks to corporate clients such as Dijaya Tropicana and Hong Leong Finance.

Aside from his Chinese Metaphysics qualifications, Chi Tim has a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Hons) and MBA, with a background in Electrical Engineering consultancy and corporate sales for a multinational company.

Don't miss this opportunity to be Feng Shui savvy and empower your property selection skill today!

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Myth & Misconceptions
in Feng Shui

Here is a compilation of common Feng Shui misconceptions that has been prevalent over the past few years, ranging from superstitions to applying some common sense:

Dining Table Feng Shui The shape of your dining table is of little or no Feng Shui consequence. Same goes for the material it is made of - glass, wood, or steel makes no difference. This is because the dining table is not one of the 3 crucial aspects in Feng Shui (namely, the main door, bedroom, and stove) and most people do not spend a lot of time at the dining table. Another common misconception here says that a large mirror next to the dining table is auspicious as it 'doubles' the food on the table. This is somewhat far-fetched, as we know that the reflection disappears as soon as real food is consumed.

T Junction Misconceptions - Facing a T-junction is a definite problem, but the misconception lies with the 'remedy'. Most people resort to using mirrors to 'reflect' away the incoming forceful Qi flow. But as you may already have guessed by now, mirrors do little when it comes to actual Feng Shui. What you need to do in this case is to ensure that your main door is not directly aligned with the road junction. Use another entrance if necessary. Next, see if you can physically block off the junction view by building a wall, or perhaps with strategic placement of solid trees (or pots of plants) to act as a physical barrier.

Bright Hall Effect The 'Bright Hall' refers to a broad and open space that allows Qi to gather. This applies to playgrounds and gardens in housing areas as well - houses situated near these open spaces are definitely more 'Feng Shui compliant'. Next, you need to ensure that the area just outside your main door is spacious and unobstructed (external Bright Hall). This allows Qi to gather outside your property. Then, ensure that the area directly AFTER your door is also relatively spacious - so that Qi can enter the property.

Note that a Bright Hall does NOT involve making it brighter with lights! (No will bright lights increase the quality of Qi)

Source of Yang Energy This refers mainly to natural sunlight - all houses should receive a healthy dose of sunlight, as sunlight is the natural source of Yang energy. The main door for example, should be adequately exposed to natural light. Conversely, a main door that is hidden in shadows is inflicted by 'Yin Killings', meaning too much Yin Qi will be attracted into the house. This often contributes to illness as well as depression.

What you need to know is that 'Yang Energy' refers to natural light, and not artificial electricity-generated ones.

Color Scheme is also a subject not within the boundaries of actual Feng Shui. It does, however, have psychological effects on the occupants. Practice some common sense when planning your color scheme - we know that too much depressive colors like black, dark blue or purple, can cause a person to become too relaxed and lacking in motivation and inspiration. Too bright colors on the other hand can cause over-excitement and difficulty in getting good rest. Balance is the key - think Yin (deeper, somber colors) and Yang (bright, vibrant colors) working in harmony.

But as colors only affect the psychological level in a person, do not be too fixated on 'lucky colors' (as indeed, it does not exist in Feng Shui). Work with colors that allow to function most comfortably.

Good news! This workshop is
Formula Free!

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