The Tong Shu, or the Chinese Almanac, has been used for centuries as the source of suitable dates for practically every occasion in everyday life. The Tong Shu has also been used extensively in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology calculations. Today, the Tong Shu is still the comprehensive resource in all aspects of Date Selection.
To fulfill the requirements of modern-day general and professional users of Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology who need to perform Date Selection on a regular or specialized basis, Joey Yap has created the Annual Tong Shu. It offers precise information calculated through the application of 28 Constellations and the Heavenly Stars method - the same time-honored system that has been used in traditional Tong Shu calculations.
Now available to you online are two ideal indispensable tools for even faster and more convenient use: Joey Yap's Online Tong Shu 2013 (Web-based) for everyone, and Joey Yap's Online Pro Tong Shu 2013 (Web-based) specially designed for professional consultants, expert practitioners and students.
Here is a quick glance on what both Tong Shu offer: