FEBruary 28, 2016. 10.00AM - 12.00PM

Would you like a more harmonious work environment that supports you and the people you work with? Would you like to be more productive before kick starting your own business?

To get these questions answered, this is a must-join workshop. Metaphysics could be the advantage you’ve been looking for. One may even utilize it as a management tool in areas of growth planning, people or strategy formulation.

Joey Yap will share with you the techniques and principles of Feng Shui and BaZi, and how it can help you build on your strengths & maximise your potential to create a successful career, business & financial portfolio for yourself.

You'll learn about

  • How to achieve wealth by maximizing your own potential
  • Master the key applications to enhance your financial matters
  • Make wise and profitable investment decisions based on your BaZi and Feng Shui
  • Recognise and downplay negative energy that impedes the progress of your career or business
register now
There will be another workshop on the same day. Click here to find out more

About Joey Yap

Dato’ Joey Yap is the celebrated and global bestselling author with more than 160 books published and counting. His literary work has been translated and published in every continent of the world, making it to the local best sellers list on numerous occasions and sold more than 4,000,000 copies. Some of the bestsellers published have also earned The Merit Award from The Asean Book Publisher Association.