Most people don't know what they want in life. So they have no purpose.
Others don't know what they are capable of doing. So they do nothing.
While some simply live life without passion. They become unfulfilled.
Talent. Do You Have One?
And if you do, is Talent Alone Enough?
When people achieve great things, others often explain their accomplishments by attributing everything to talent.
But if talent is enough, then why do we know many highly gifted and talented people who are not highly successful?
- More than 60% of all the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have below average results in college.
- 75% of U.S presidents were in the lower half of their school.
- 60% of the self made millionaires never finished college.
Clearly - talent alone isn't everything. Then what is?
The LUCK factor. The LIFE PATH in their Destiny Code.
Your BaZi 八字 "Destiny Code" reveals everything about your life and the path you are meant to walk.
The first task in decoding your BaZi (Destiny Code) is to recognize your inborn or God given Talents. Talent helps you stand out. It gets you noticed. In the beginning, talent separates you from the rest of the pack. It gives you a head start. Natural talent is life's greatest gift.
But this advantage only last for a SHORT TIME.
The second task in decoding your BaZi is helping you KEEP working on and developing that talent.
Too many gifted and talented people start life with a great advantage over others. But soon they lose that advantage as time goes by as they rest on it and did not work to improve and hone their talent.
Everyone is Equal.
Everyone have equal VALUE in life. Every life is important. But not every life is equal in giftedness. Some Destiny Codes are blessed with many talents. While some, with merely a few.
But know this fact: ALL OF US have something we can do well.
Don't waste time developing the skills or talent you don't have. Invest your time in developing the talent you already have!
People who don't know their Destiny Code may neglect to make the right choices to maximize their potential and continually underperform in work, in relationship and in life. Special talents and capabilities allow a person to stand out, but their wrong choices forces them to sit down.
Your Destiny Code helps you understand your choices and make informed decisions.
Invest 4-Days in BaZi Mastery Module 1 & Module 2 and learn to make informed decisions in life!
To the Path of Least Resistance to Wealth, Happiness and Success!
Call us now +603- 2284 8080

Preparation means maximizing your inborn talent, capabilities, fine tuning your personality and reach your true potential - becoming a BETTER YOU.
Opportunity refers to the power of anticipation, knowing what is coming your way.
Think of BaZi as the blue print to your life's ups and downs. It helps you become aware of your obvious and hidden personality, characteristics, talents and discover your unique ability to amass wealth and find happiness. Your BaZi shows you how to cultivate better relationships, inspire your friends and family, improve yourself and prepares you to face (and avoid) potential health problems, accidents, disasters and ‘bad patches' in life.
BaZi can help you make use of the many (or few) talents that you have and capitalize on the opportunities that come your way.
Here's what we can ascertain with the information derived from a person's BaZi Destiny Code:
- Characteristics and talents
- Family relationships with his/her parents and siblings
- Life with his/her spouse
- Children and their well-being
- The ability to amass, accumulate, manage and /or to save wealth
- Outcomes of certain actions and decisions in life
- Physical conditions and common illness
- Working abilities and career prospects
- Opportunities to enjoy one's life
In BaZi Mastery Module 1 & Module 2, you will learn:
- To maximize the resources at your disposal and help you create a better life;
- Get a thorough yet easy-to-understand introduction that will allow you to master the core principles and theories of BaZi Astrology;
- Learn essential skills that are a pre-requisite towards applying and analyzing any BaZi chart;
- Master the underlying theories and classical schools of thought of ancient BaZi masters that have made BaZi the potent science it is today;
- Comprehensive knowledge on the tools and methods required to practice BaZi professionally (if you so wish)!
This is Joey Yap's cornerstone program!
BaZi Mastery Module 1 & Module 2 program is intended to impart maximum knowledge within the shortest time frame possible (in this case, only 4 days). You can expect a steep learning curve, which will speedily and steadily upgrade the knowledge you have amassed during the course.
The program is good enough for anyone - any beginner with little or no knowledge on the subject. But there are always those who want to take this further with plans to actually form a consulting business to help others. If your plan is to help people improve their lives or becoming a life coach, then this program is an important step towards that direction. It is also ideal for those who are involved in training and teaching people.
Yes, it is also suitable for those who want to become a professional BaZi practitioner - be it full time or part time. BaZi is for Everyone!
And for the detailed oriented amongst you, here is what you may expect to learn and gain from this 4-Day Program: ● BaZi Fundamentals ●BaZi applications ●BaZi Structures ●Ten Gods ● Useful Gods ●Gods and Sha ●Annual Luck Assessment Method ● BaZi Analysis and a lot more…
Knowing what's in store is a great advantage in life. If you like your destination, follow through and enjoy the journey. If you don't like it- go the other way! Remember the power of anticipation?
Practice complements theory and we daresay that you will find this program most challenging and entertaining! There will also enough reference materials and a HUGE comprehensive workbook for you to take home!
Now is the time to decode your destiny and improve your future!
Call and Reserve your seats now!
Tel : +603- 2284 8080
Email : courses@masteryacademy.com
The BaZi Mastery Module 1 & Module 2 program helps change your mode of operation in life and work from one of fire fighting to one which allows time for Strategic Planning. The skill of anticipation is incredibly useful if you want to take control of your life.
Understand luck cycles and ride the wave when it comes - so that you can maximize your success in all aspects of your life.
- Become more influential at work and in life by understanding how different Destinies cross paths.
- Positively impact the lives of other people thru understanding what already influences them through decoding their Destiny Code.
- Create better relationships and avoid relationship pitfalls with the people in your life by understanding compatibility between the Destiny Codes.
- Find the best partners in business and personal relationships and ensure a fruitful future together by maximizing each other's strengths and avoiding pitfalls before they happened.
- Plan for your family's future and children's education - maximize their potential and plan for the best ahead for them.
Life's Greatest Joy…
There is certainly no greater joy in life than seeing others blossom, grow and reach their potential. This 4-Day Program can help you have a part in making that happen for the people in your life.
By understanding the Destiny Code of the people you meet, you have the ability to help people change and make improvements to their life.
Touch the lives of the people around you and play a pivotal role in shaping their destiny!
Rave Reviews
I love your approach. It is so innovative.Thank you very much.
Dr. Kathryn Mickle, U.S.A.
Thanks heaven for getting me the opportunity for listen to you. It is amazing, how you can get so much information in such short time. I'll need years for learning and understanding what you gave us. Thank you very much.
Daniela Gerono, Germany
This course is highly recommended as a supplement to BaZi courses. A fun, informative and useful session is guaranteed.
Sarah Ho Sook Ming , Hong Kong
Again - Outstanding! This proves that one needs to keep repeating. A wealth of knowledge even though it is a repeat class. Well done - You are phenomenal!! Many Thanks.
Diane Grobler, South Africa
It's a great course. It opened my mind towards Chinese Metaphysics studies. Joey's approach is friendly and fun. Hope to attend the M2 soon.
Mulyono Tjahyono, Indonesia
Fascinating and lots of detail!
Lim Keng Hock, Malaysia
Come Prepared! You may want to read these first, if you want to be more prepared: |
BaZi The Destiny Code |
BaZi The Destiny Code Revealed |
But worry not!
We'll send you a Pre-Course Material before the program so you'll have an idea what to expect in the program. |